Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our contribution to the Phoenix Appeal

This image will shortly be available to buy at Phoenix-Appeal to help raise some money for bushfire victims.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fitzroy Community Gardens Open Day

Working Bee and Bush Fires

Yesterday we had a good turn-out for our working bee, and lots of productive discussion on how to spend the grant money, but we were also all in shock about the news of the devasting bush-fires sweeping Victoria. Since then the news has just gotten worse.
Phoenix-Appeal is a new site on Red Bubble established specifically to raise funds for the fire victims, but you can always donate directly to Red Cross and/or donate blood.
Words can't really express how truly awful this is, all we can do is try to support our fellow Victorians however we can.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Organic Gardener

The March/April Mag. To be borrowed....
